Fall Is the Season with Jessica Keller

I am happy to introduce my guest this week, Love Inspired author Jessica Keller. Yay! If you’re like me, you’ve devoured all of Jessica’s Love Inspired books. I am thrilled to have her as a friend and a writing colleague. Stick around and leave a comment to be in for this weeks giveaway! Jessica will be giving away one paperback copy of her latest release, Apple Orchard Bride. There’s a description of the book later. The winner will be chosen on December 24th. Best wishes!



Jessica Keller:  I know it’s winter and Christmas, but fall is my favorite time of year. The changing leaves. Bonfires. Wearing jeans and hooded sweatshirts. Apple picking. Enjoying the crispness in the air. I love everything about fall.

One of the greatest lessons that fall teaches us is that there can be beauty in letting go. Change doesn’t always mean something terrifying or bad – sometimes, many times, change can be good. But know what? I struggle with this very concept. Often I’ll sense that change is coming and like a stubborn horse that doesn’t want to leave my stall; I’ll sink my feet into the ground and refuse to budge. I forget perspective …  choosing to hang on tightly to whatever it is I have instead of facing whatever is waiting.

I once heard a sermon on this topic and while he was preaching the minister had an image come up on the screen. It showed a child clutching a tiny teddy bear and it depicted God, asking for the tiny trinket while holding a large one out of view. The girl had to trust first. She was being asked to hand over something without knowing what was waiting.

Fall reminds me that change doesn’t have to be darkness and gloom. It can be bursts of goldenrod and fire red and sunset orange. It can be roasted marshmallows and favorite fleece jackets. Even though it means winter is coming, fall embraces change with open arms and smiles.

The story found in Apple Orchard Bride has been on my heart for a long time, and in case you haven’t guessed it yet, it’s a story all about letting go, change. Both Jenna Crest and Toby Holcomb thought their lives would look one way, but nothing has gone according to their plans. Jenna has returned home to run the apple orchard she grew up on because her father’s health is fading. She has a hard time with that transition, especially accepting the fact that her father’s days are numbered. Many years ago Toby broke her heart and finding him back in her life is terrifying. More than any of that though, Jenna has accumulated a lot of hurt and pain over the past ten years but she doesn’t know who she is without those things. They define her and she’d not ready to let them go.

So, of course, Apple Orchard Bride had to take place in fall on an apple orchard. The setting quietly nudges Jenna onward. I so hope you enjoy this story. It’s the seventh book I’ve written for Love Inspired but I believe it might be my favorite.



Back Cover:

When Toby Holcomb becomes guardian to his cousin’s daughter, he goes from hard-living bachelor to father without a clue. One thing he can do is give Kasey a stable home. Returning to Goose Harbor, he takes a job at his childhood friend’s apple orchard. But Jenna Crest isn’t ready to forgive him for his past mistakes. Desperate for sweet Jenna’s help in raising his little girl, Toby vows to make amends to the woman he wronged so many years ago. Suddenly, he and Jenna and young Kasey are feeling more and more like a family. But convincing Jenna he’s a changed man will take all the love in his heart.


Bio: A coffee drinker, avid reader, and chocolate aficionado, Jessica Keller writes both Romance and Young Adult Fiction. As a child, Jessica possessed the dangerous combination of too much energy coupled with an over-active imagination. This pairing led to more than seven broken bones, countless scars, and even more story ideas. Jessica holds degrees in both Communications and Biblical Studies. She lives with her family in the Midwest.

Social Media Links

Facebook: www.facebook.com/JessicaKellerAuthor

Twitter: @AuthorKeller

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/writerkeller/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorkeller/

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Jessica-Keller/e/B00ICBER0S/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1460055381&sr=1-1

Website: www.jessicakellerbooks.com


  1. Deana Dick on December 19, 2016 at 6:27 pm

    What a great interview. Change is never easy but sometimes it is for the better. Thank you for the chance to win your book.

    • Dana R. Lynn on December 20, 2016 at 5:56 pm

      Best of luck, Deana!

  2. Cindy LePore on December 19, 2016 at 11:17 pm

    I love Jessica’s Love Inspired books. I hope to win this one.

    • Dana R. Lynn on December 20, 2016 at 5:57 pm

      I love her books, too. This one looks like a great read. Good luck!

  3. Marilyn R on December 20, 2016 at 8:25 am

    I haven’t read Jessica’s book. Love Inspired books are always great ones to read.

    • Dana R. Lynn on December 20, 2016 at 5:57 pm

      Good luck! Thanks for stopping by Marilyn.

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