Mother’s Day Ramble

In less than a week it will be Mother’s Day. One day in which we strive to honor our mothers for all their sacrifices.   I freely admit that I never fully appreciated my mom until I became a mother myself.  Late nights, diaper bags, coughs and fevers…they’re all part of the job. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

But sometimes motherhood has a cost.  I think of my mom, still grieving for my brother who died twenty years ago.  I’m amazed at her strength.  And her faith.  I hope my children remember me for being as strong in my faith as she is in hers. 

And I also think of Jesus and his mother.  Did he bring her flowers on her birthday?  I imagine him living out the fourth commandment in perfection.
I see Mary going about her daily duty, cleaning house, doing laundry, fixing meals, and praying.  Always praying.

Then there was the ultimate pain of watching her child die.  Followed by the joy of seeing him rise. 

Jesus, help me to remain steadfast in prayer and faith…no matter what life throw a my way.

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