Posts Tagged ‘author’
My Word for 2019
Hello, friends! It has been quite a long time since I sat down to write a blog post. 2018 was a very busy year full of challenges. I have to admit, I am very happy to have gotten through it. Last winter, I was diagnosed with diabetes. I had no idea how much that disease…
Read MoreWeaving It All Together
If you’re anything like me, other worlds and time periods have always held a special fascination. I was the kid who would go into the public library and walk out two hours later with a dozen or more books. I would roam through every genre in the fiction section: romance (contemporary and historical), young adult,…
Read MoreMy critique partnerErica, after lots of hard worked, has been published. So proud of you and happy for you!The Long Day is Over…
The Long Day is Over….
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